assalamu alaikum world!

The path less traveled is the most difficult.

The path less traveled is the most difficult.

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

A new day has begun for me.  I have been following many blogs for a while, and like any blog reader, a leap of faith is taken and I start my own blog.  I have reached a point where I think I can impact not only the blogosphere, but the whole world around me.

I wanted to start this blog a couple of weeks ago, but the War on Gaza has taken a toll on me emotionally, intellectually, and physically.  May God uphold the truth and have justice prevail, in a location that hasn’t seen either of these since 1948.

And I can’t forget that today, history was made, as Obama was sworn into office, becoming the 44th president of the United States of America.  Like him, I have not begun a new journey, but have followed the natural progression that person must take in order to fulfill their dream and mission.  A person must move onto bigger and better things daily.  As Imam Ali (may God be pleased with him) said, “A person whose two days are alike is a sure loser!”

I don’t want to have this blog just for the sake of having it.  It will be an internal dialogue and also a dialogue with other people where my thoughts, comments, and ideas transverse time and space.  I feel that I am able to contribute and add to the current discussions, not just reiterate them.

I ask God to accept this from me and to shower His blessings on me and on this endeavor so that the rays of enlightenment and the path of truth will be shown to all of humanity in the best possible manner.

~ by aMuslimActivist on 20 January 2009.

3 Responses to “assalamu alaikum world!”

  1. Assalamoalaikun. May Allah accept your efforts and make this blog beneficial for you and others as well. I am interested to see what kind of discussions you will be bringing up and look forward to your updates.

  2. Wa alaykum assalam! Thanks Talha…looking forward to your feedback!

  3. Asalaamu alaykum! Glad to see you have a blog! Give my salaams to the family!

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